Professional Engineering Registration and the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board

In Canada, each province is responsible for regulating the engineering profession by creating professional organizations with legislated responsibility for deciding who is qualified to practice. In Ontario, this organization is Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO).

Prior to 1965, the PEO and its counterparts in other provinces decided individually which programs led to licensure. Many programs were accepted in some provinces and not in others leading to confusion and a lack of mobility. In 1965, the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) was created to develop national standards so that a program which led to licensure in one province, was accepted for licensure in every province. The CEAB sends a team to engineering schools every six years to conduct an exhaustive examination of the programs and facilities to determine if the program deserves accreditation. Graduates of a program that is accredited by CEAB are allowed to join PEO (or its counterparts in other provinces) and to describe themselves as Professional Engineers (designated P.Eng.) after having completed a period of working as an engineer under the supervision of a licensed engineer, and after having passed examinations in ethics and law.

You can view the CEAB unit breakdown per engineering course as found in the Academic Calendar.