The Faculty's researchers explore the impact of humans on the environment, and study the sustainable use and applications of natural resources, such as water. Engineering and applied science research provides foundational knowledge for addressing issues of national and international relevance related to natural resources and the environment.

Research in these areas directly addresses two of the six priority research themes in the Queen’s Strategic Research Plan: theme two: (“Fundamental principles of nature: from discovery to application and innovation”) and theme five (“Sustainability, environment, and resources”). Much of the Engineering research that falls under these themes is carried out in the new Beaty Water Research Centre (BWRC) and The GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s – Royal Military College (GeoEng).

The BWRC, an interdisciplinary centre housed in Mitchell Hall, is dedicated to water-related issues and will facilitate collaboration within the Faculty and across the university as well as with industrial and community partners.

GeoEng at Queen’s-RMC draws from three different departments at Queen’s and the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC). Members are dedicated to the advancement of knowledge in geotechnical, hydrogeological, geochemical, geomechanical, and geosynthetics engineering. Through the development of collaborative research projects involving government, industrial partners, and other universities internationally, the centre provides exciting opportunities for graduate students and post-doctoral researchers in a wide range of geoengineering subfields.